This is a new experimental advanced tool to process data fast.  We are currently testing it, reach out if you are at least a Curator and interested in trying it.

Adding to Workbench

You can find and batch process items in Manage Database Items to add them to your own Workbench.

Go to the Workbench

You find a button on the top right of the screen.

Working in the Workbench

Here are the various features  -

  1. The items you selected to work on show here.  You can click on the title to see the actual item (here for example the item that was sold at Pristine Auctions).  The magnifying glass allows to see a bigger version of the image.

  2. Moving to the end of the queue keeps this item in your Workbench (but does not work properly yet, it just moves it one item behind, we will fix that).  Release will remove the item from your Workbench. Please do that if you cannot work on the item in the near future.

  3. This might show our most recent Price Point for this item and helps identifying what it is (you can see Estimated Values of potential matches on the right).

  4. If this item is new to hobbyDB you can work on it and publish it (if it is currently Unapproved, i.e. if it was created by a Rookie or was imported via a feed).  All items from a feed have the same Database Item Type and you can change that here.

    Note. If we have a variant or subvariant use the feature under Point 7

  5. If the system does not show results or the right results you can search the database here.

  6. If you want to see variants or subvariants click the link here.

  7. If the item is in the Database you can merge or quick merge it here.  If it is not but we have a variant or subvariant you can create it here. Quick merge will not retain any data from the item on the left and should be used if we just want to assign a Price Point to another wise near perfect database item.

Please keep in mind that this is a new tool and still work in progress. Besides the error with items not moved to the end of the queue mentioned above the Stats section is also not yet working.  On everything else we love to hear your feedback!