hobbyDB is proudly a site that is powered by amazing Squad members, not robots. Although our Squad is pretty close to perfect in our eyes, as we are all humans, sometimes entries need another review. That's when we depend on the community to flag items and price points that folks think could use improvement or need another look. 

Next, we rely on our incredible Flag Squad to review each flag and then decide which action to take. Here are some guidelines for the Flag Squad when replying to member flags - 

Flag notes and resolutions will eventually be shared with our members. Please ensure the following -

  1. Your response offers a short, factual explanation of the resolution

  2. Your responses are always polite and do not include any personal attacks

  3. Ask questions before resolving the flag if you need further clarification from the member

  4. Deal with flags in a timely manner (or if you cannot do that assign them back to the pool)

Below are our standard responses that should cover 95% of all Flags.

For Estimated Values / Price Points.

    Action Taken

  • Price Point has been deleted.
  • Price Point has been deleted as auction only had one bid AND the user shows as being unregistered now; clear sign of a fake bidding account.
  • Price Point has been deleted based on price relation to other recent listings added.
  • Price Point has been reassigned. 
  • Marketplace item has been reassigned to correct database item.
  • Deleted Retail Price Point since it occurred after third party sales started to be inputted.
  • Deleted Retail Price Point as it should be a Member Estimate instead.

    No Action Taken

  • No action taken; Price Point assigned to right item.
  • No action taken; no significant damage observed to disqualify Price Point.
  • No action taken; listing older than 90 days.
  • No action taken; unable to view listing on ebay to confirm claims as listing is > 90 days; will err on side of near mint/mint since Price Point was reviewed and approved by a high level Squad member. 
  • 130point.com image is an accurate representation of the best offer accepted for this item.
  • Compared item images to other listings/images believed to be real and this item looks exactly the same, only difference is the slightly lower listing price which can be attributed to the shipping not be included like other listings.
  • Listing is years old. Price is in line with other price ranges at that time.
  • No images supplied in listing to determine real/fake. Only difference is the slightly lower listing price due to it being an auction and the cost of shipping not be included like other listings.
  • Lack of photos does not disqualify Price Point.
  • Acceptable 7BAP Price Point. 
  • The use of one image is acceptable; Price Point will remain.
  • Item is not fake, nor is the pricing. It's within the current market range for this item. 
  • Price Point untouched; flagger referred to help articles.
  • Flagger told to flag individual Price Points.

For Images  -

  • Image(s) removed.
  • Image is not a duplicate and how a main photo is supposed to be displayed.
  • Message sent to flagger regarding HDB acceptable use policy on photos.

For all else  -

  • Database Items have been merged.
  • Subvariant Group has been created.
  • Subvariant Group  fixed.
  • Item added to correct Variant Group.
  • Looks like this has already been taken care of.
  • Flagger has not responded to message; resolving flag as no action taken.