Facebook has reach that you can tap with this simple tool  -

  • Easily list an item for sale with the power of our database (saving you time and sending notifications to the members that have item on their Wish List) 
  • Post that link in as many Facebook groups as you'd like. 
  • If a buyer clicks through and makes a purchase, you'll get instant payment and confirmation that your item has sold. 
  • You can then use the hobbyDB inventory management system to let the buyer know that their item has shipped and provide tracking.

    As an added bonus - when the buyer clicks through your ad, they will be able to see all of your items listed for sale, giving you more exposure.

The tool generates a detailed preview of the item you have listed for sale, directly in your Facebook post. The preview will link directly to the sales listing for easy buyer checkout. Here's how it works... 

  1. Find the sale page for the item you wish to list on Facebook and copy the URL on hobbyDB, PPG or your Store.

  2. Paste the sales listing URL from hobbyDB into a Facebook post (on your personal Page, a Company Page or a Group).

  3. Wait for the preview of your sales listing to load.

  4. Once loaded, highlight the URL you've pasted, and replace it with whatever text you'd like to get collectors fired up to buy.

  5. Go ahead and post! 

You can do this also with all of your items or a specific section of your items (more on how to get the URLs for these here).  As those do not generate the same kind of post as the single item URL does we suggest adding one or more photos to these posts.